Overcoming fear

In his first address as president Franklin Roosevelt said. “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” America was facing mass unemployment, manufacturing and farming had collapsed and banks were failing. Today we face a crisis on the same scale but Roosevelt knew that the Depression would hurt America whereas fear would destroy it. As […]

Welcome Jordan and Naomi!

We are happy to welcome Rev Jordan Litchfield and his wife Naomi! Come and get to know the new minister for Glastry and Portaferry! Say Hi and welcome him during Gala or over the summer months in our services! Jordan is originally from Indiana, USA. He married Naomi, originally from County Armagh in July 2010. They pastored at a local church in Dromore, County Down for just over four years before applying to transfer into the Methodist Church in Ireland. […]

We join up!

We love to meet up with other denominations. There is a Joint Service with the Church of Ireland Portaferry already in place if there is a 5th sunday in a month. Why not come and see how we do that? We are also worshipping jointly with the Presbyterians in the refurbished PORTICO building. You would be very welcome to come and observe that too. Indeed why not come to both and ’spot the differences’ ?

New Website finished soon!

When did you last have a ‘makeover’? It’s 15 years since our website had one. So we felt it’s time for another. We want it to have a modern appearance as we believe our faith is still as relevant today as it was when Christ was born. So there will be lots of new content and we hope to maintain the ‘spirit’ of the former site.