Armchair travels

Further lockdown finds me longing to travel. It began as a vague restlessness, a need to explore further than the garden and the local park. Thoughts of Portaferry were uppermost, but at this point, my odd feeling of discomfort took shape – the shape of a car ferry or an airplane! But travelling like that is impossible right now, and however much I crave the fun and fellowship of Portaferry, I require a substitute. One of the blessings brought by […]

Putting the Clock Back

My name is Esau. Six successive generations of my family served in the High Priest’s Guard. But I can’t imagine anyone of them had a Passover experience like mine. Miriam, our third child, was due, so when old Caiaphas wanted volunteers to guard the grave, I grabbed the overtime. To be frank, it was a chance to escape from the bedlam in the city for a bit. Truth be told, it was a dark, uneasy watch. Not what I expected. […]

Be Thankful For

The mess to clean up after a party because it means I am surrounded by friends. The taxes I pay because it means I am employed. The clothes that fit a little snug because it means I have food to eat. A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home. All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech. The space […]

Food for Thought

“If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes” (Matthew 6:25, The Message) When it comes to food, we’re all different, we have different tastes and different food philosophies – all part of life’s rich tapestry. Regardless of our food preferences, at the end of the day it’s the nutrition we obtain from the food that counts. So, whenever we ask Jesus into our lives and […]

Christmas 2020

Did you know it’s only 9 weeks until Christmas? When I heard this on the radio the other day I was surprised, but then this year has been so strange that maybe I should have been more surprised if Christmas had already gone! We can guess that Christmas 2020 will be very different. There was a radio story that farmers were putting turkeys on diets as they expected smaller birds would be needed with the reduced numbers at family gatherings. […]

To do or not to do?

‘What was the most important thing I’d done?’ Tricky question that. I was still pondering David’s query as I drove away from the New Quays after lunch. Somehow our conversation had meandered onto our, now redundant, Linkedin profiles and the plethora of notifications about professional, busy people viewing them. Then, David posed that question. But it didn’t seem right. I struggled to answer. ‘Important,’ in what context? What is ‘important’ anyway? As I turned left at the primary school and […]


When Margaret Thatcher died in April 2013 there were calls for her to be given a state funeral. Although she was undoubtedly one of the key politicians of the 20th century, she was also a divisive figure and it was decided that she should have a ceremonial funeral rather than a full state funeral. For some this was still controversial and in his Guardian newspaper comment on the funeral, Giles Fraser quoted Canon Mark Oakly. Canon Oakley used this example […]

God’s Words

Hello everyone! Before beginning writing I thought about how I could use the words I was given to really say something. This led me to think about God’s words. They are so few and yet so many. We know them and yet time and time again they become like new, challenging and encouraging through all life brings. I would love to use my words to explore a key theme or story that runs through the Bible. One key story is […]

A “Single” Perspective

Three weeks ago the Ulster hospital called me in for some tests. It was my first real foray out of my ‘shielding bubble’ since early March and it was a very surprising and uncomfortable experience. My daughter, a retired doctor, had warned me in no uncertain terms that if I caught the virus I would not survive because of my age and health conditions. As I walked round the hospital a very strange feeling came over me and I began […]

Correcting perspective

In a collective experience, inescapable by almost every youth on the planet; in the past 6 months I have grown 6 years… maybe 10. Status didn’t matter, for when the world stops turning, it does tend to interrupt your schedule or lack thereof. As James Lane Allen apparently liked to say, “Adversity does not build character, it reveals it”. Well, revealed I was. And there was much I saw which was not to like. Realising you have been asleep takes […]